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Location & Land

The project has been taken operating lease of 32,000 Square meter from Bangladesh ExportProcessing Zone Authority under the Zone area Comilla Export Processing Zone, Comilla. At present rent per square meter has been fixed U.S $2.20 and according lease agreement with BEPZA for 30 years. Location of Comilla EPZ is within the Comilla Municipal area and enjoys the all types of urban facilities.

Project location is very suitable to setup 100% export Oriented Spinning Mills as well communication in respect of Rail and Road are available.

Power generated by Captive Power Plant with the Capacity of 4.2 MW with un-interrupted supply. Water and Gas are also available there. In the case of Manpower, Skilled, Semi-Skilled and technician are available in the Industrial area due to existence of urban facilities.

Customs and value Added Tax:

(FM, IRD, NRB, SRO No-88-Law-98/1739/Customs, dated 28 May, 1988)

In exercise of the power conferred by section 19/Customs Act, 1969 ( IV of 1969) and section 14(1) under Value Added Tax Act,1991 ( Act no. 22 of 1991) for public interest and in consultation with the National Board of Revenue under section 10 of the Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority Act ,1980 ( XXXVI of 1980 ) and by posponding under notification no SRO 544 - L/84/888/Cus dated 10 December, 1984, the government has exempted all import duties, Value Added Tax and Supplementary Tax under 7(e) and (f) of any Export Processing Zone.


(IRD SRO No.289-Law/89,dated 19 August1989)

In pursuance of section 44(4) (b) of the Income Tax Ordinance, 1984 (XXXVI of 1984) and canceling the notification No. SRO 149-L/81, dated 12 May 1981, all industries operating in the Export Processing Zones of Bangladesh have been exempted from payment of income tax for a period of 10 years from the date an industry goes into commercial production.


(NBR File No 4(9) Tax-8/ 92, dated 6 December, 1992)

The National Board of Revenue has instructed that the enterprises of the Export Processing Zones who are getting Exemption of Income tax according to the SRO No 289-law /89, of NBR, dated 17 August, 1989 will continue to receive the exemption on the export value of the exported items.

Building & Other Civil Constructions

The project an estimated floor space of 280,100 square feet to accommodate its machinery & equipment´s. The project construction consisting of main Factory Building, , Raw Materials Warehouse, Finished Goods Warehouse, Office Building, other Buildings, Guard Room, Toilet, Internal Road & Drainage, Boundary Gate, etc. at a estimated cost of Tk.27.45 crore.